Gossip Girl….goes overboard

The November 9, 2009 episode of gossip girl left some viewers shocked, some stymied and some appalled. The episode explored the issue of college studies and simultaneously having multiple sex partners and Dan, Vanessa and the new girl (played by Hillary Duff) engaged in a ‘3-way’. No, they did not show the actual sex scenes but the three of them kissing each other and the preview for the next episode of the three of them in bed left nothing to the imagination.

While I am no prude I don’t believe that the world needs to know everything you experience or experiment with in life and I am particularly appalled at the assumption that this is a normal, or even expected, part of a college experience. If one chooses to engage in such behavior or ‘antics’ it should remain private, between the people involved. You know, ‘Vegas Rules’. With the prevalence of HIV and venereal disease today the fact that the show Gossip Girl seemed to purport this behavior as normal rings problematic for me, particularly as there was never any mention of safe sex.

How do I handle that?

I am now questioning whether or not this is a show I want to watch anymore. The decision will be made by 9pm on Monday, November 16th.